投资你的未来. Successfully.

St. 爱德华的投资是明智的. And we’re more affordable than you think.

A St. Edward’s education is surprisingly affordable, especially when you consider the lifetime value of all you’ll experience: passion-fueling courses, 的实习, 研究生的研究, 拓展思维的海外留学, 改变生活的服务项目, and enriching friendships and connections.

What will it cost? It’s your net price, after scholarships and grants (money you don’t repay) have been awarded, that matters most. We combine merit awards and specialty scholarships with federal and state grants and other scholarships to determine your net cost.

The average merit scholarships and grants awarded to our first-year students is $37,965.


五分钟就够了 估计一下你要付多少钱.

Tuition and Fees

Here’s an estimate of the costs of attending St. Edward’s for the 2024–2025 academic year:

Cost Fees
本科学费 $50,484
Residence Hall, with Roommates (Estimated) $8,780
膳食计划(估计) $5,460
Comprehensive Fee (For 12 or more registered hours) $900
健康保险(估计) $2,600
汽车许可证(可选) $370

University tuition and fees apply to undergraduate students who are enrolled in 12-18 credit hours.


These undergraduate student rates are 每个人,每学期 for the 2024-2025 semesters and are subject to change.


Residence Hall Double Room Suite
巴兹尔·莫罗和杜贾里奥尔斯 $4,519 $4,382
埃德蒙·亨特和勒芒大厅 NA $4,365 


Residence Hall Private Room Double Room
巴西尔·莫罗·卡西塔斯 $4,572 N/A
Edmund Hunt Hall N/A $4,365
Dujarié Casitas $4,572 N/A
Le Mans Hall $4,993 N/A
伯德夫人约翰逊大厅 N/A $4,748
Casa $4,511 $4,204

Maryhill and Hilltopper Heights Apartments range from $4,131–$5,808, per semester, depending on the floor plan selected. St. André Apartments range from $4,539–$5,020, per semester, depending on the floor plan selected.

在圣. Edward's

The average tuition paid by first-year students who received merit scholarships and grants is $13,419. The total Cost of Attendance for the 2024–2025 year is $71,334 for a new, full-time freshman or transfer student living on campus. This includes tuition and estimates for room and board, books and supplies, fees, and personal and transportation costs. Most students are offered a financial aid package that includes student grants, and all students are offered assistance from the U.S. Department of Education’s Direct Loan Program. Some students are also offered campus employment. The amount of this additional financing is based on the difference between the cost of attendance and the student’s other assistance.

Residence Hall Tour

Your residence hall is more than where you sleep and study. It becomes your home, where you’ll meet people from around the world and make lifelong friends. 参观学生宿舍 你可能住的地方.


You're likely considering many factors when researching colleges: location, majors, 实习机会及更多. Near the top for most students is cost. But figuring out the actual cost of college — what you'll pay — can get complicated. 了解更多关于St. 爱德华大学提供帮助 简化流程

Contact Us

Office of Student Financial Services
512-448-8523 or 800-555-0164